Rock Garden Plants

Find Your Perfect Plant

We have put together a modest collection of some information and images of our most popular and successful plants for your garden projects. This collection will be growing over time. Note that due to the seasonal availability of plants, this collection does not reflect current inventory in our stores.     Please call our stores directly to check availability for purchase or order.

Ajuga pyramidalis - 'Metallica Crispa' Bugleweed
Ajuga pyramidalis
'Metallica Crispa' Bugleweed
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Alchemilla sericata - ''Gold Strike'' Lady''s Mantle
Alchemilla sericata
''Gold Strike'' Lady''s Mantle
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Geranium clarkei - 'Kashmir Pink' Cranesbill
Geranium clarkei
'Kashmir Pink' Cranesbill
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Gypsophila repens - 'Filou Rose' Creeping Baby's Breath
Gypsophila repens
'Filou Rose' Creeping Baby's Breath
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Helianthus annuus - 'Sunfinity Dark Yellow' Dwarf Sunflower
Helianthus annuus
'Sunfinity Dark Yellow' Dwarf Sunflower
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Helichrysum petiolare (Licorice Plant) - Proven Accents® 'White Licorice'
Helichrysum petiolare (Licorice Plant)
Proven Accents® 'White Licorice'
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Iberis sempervirens - Whistler™ White Candytuft
Iberis sempervirens
Whistler™ White Candytuft
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Leucanthemum x superbum - 'Alaska' Shasta daisy
Leucanthemum x superbum
'Alaska' Shasta daisy
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Leucanthemum x superbum - 'White Lion' Shasta daisy
Leucanthemum x superbum
'White Lion' Shasta daisy
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Lychnis coronaria - 'Orange Gnome (Orange Zwerg)' Catchfly
Lychnis coronaria
'Orange Gnome (Orange Zwerg)' Catchfly
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Phlox subulata - 'Purple Beauty' Creeping Phlox
Phlox subulata
'Purple Beauty' Creeping Phlox
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Salvia - Rockin® 'Fuchsia'
Rockin® 'Fuchsia'
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Salvia - Rockin'® 'Blue Suede Shoes™'
Rockin'® 'Blue Suede Shoes™'
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Salvia - Rockin'® 'Deep Purple'
Rockin'® 'Deep Purple'
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Sedum floriferum - 'Weihenstephaner Gold' Stonecrop
Sedum floriferum
'Weihenstephaner Gold' Stonecrop
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Sedum spurium - 'Elizabeth' Stonecrop
Sedum spurium
'Elizabeth' Stonecrop
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Sedum telephium - 'Munstead Dark Red' Stonecrop
Sedum telephium
'Munstead Dark Red' Stonecrop
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Sempervivum - 'Spring Beauty' Hen and Chicks
'Spring Beauty' Hen and Chicks
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Verbena - Superbena ® Cherryburst
Superbena ® Cherryburst
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Verbena - Superbena Royale® 'Peachy Keen'
Superbena Royale® 'Peachy Keen'
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Verbena - Superbena Royale® 'Plum Wine'
Superbena Royale® 'Plum Wine'
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Verbena - Superbena Royale® 'Romance'
Superbena Royale® 'Romance'
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Veronica - 'Giles van Hees' Speedwell
'Giles van Hees' Speedwell
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Veronica peduncularis - 'Georgia Blue' Speedwell
Veronica peduncularis
'Georgia Blue' Speedwell
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Plant Characteristics
  •    Attracts Butterflies
  •    Attracts Humming-birds
  •    Attracts Pollinators
  •    Attracts Songbirds
  •    Cold Tolerant
  •    Container
  •    Drought Tolerant
  •    Fast Growing
  •    Ground Cover
  •    Hanging Basket
  •    Low Maintenance
  •    Native
  •    Vigorous
  •    Water's Edge / Bog Plant
  •    Deer Resistant
  •    Rabbit Resistant
  •    Squirrel Resistant
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